
Hello, World!

     Alright, this is my first blog post. It’s not the first time I’ve thought about starting a blog, but with all the daily distractions—and my own laziness and spontaneity—it kept getting postponed until now. These past few days, Canton has been enjoying a rare touch of autumn coolness in September. The pleasant weather, along with some unexpected free time, inspired me to finally check this off my list.

     I used to think setting up a website would be difficult. I still remember the painstaking effort of using Dreamweaver to create a webpage back in elementary school. But with tools like Jekyll and platforms like GitHub Pages, creating a blog has become incredibly simple. Special thanks to Cotes Chung for designing the Chirpy theme, which aligns perfectly with my “simple is best” philosophy.

     I’m not sure when I’ll write my next post, but hey, it’s not a bad thing to take life as it comes. So, here it is—Hello, World!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.